1. Set up the working environment for the project using Git and Docker
    1. Windows instructions
    2. Linux / Mac Instructions
    3. Reporting questions or problems

Set up the working environment for the project using Git and Docker

It is recommended that only one element of each group does this process and the others watch carefully to avoid git conflicts.

Windows instructions

  1. Go to GitHub and create your new Git repository for the practical work.
  2. Clone the repository into a folder.
    • In Windows you can clone to C:\webdev, to make it a shorter path without spaces, which sometimes complicates things
    • You may need to run the operation as an administrator, because it needs that to be able to write to the C:\webdev folder. In Windows, accessing the hard drive root requires admin rights.
  3. Now double-click C:\webdev. It should be an empty folder.
  4. Create a new folder inside C:\webdev called html. Download this file and place it inside the newly created html folder.
  5. Open a command line (press Windows Key + R on your keyboard, then type cmd.exe and press Enter)
  6. Type cd C:\webdev to go to the repository folder
  7. Run git status on the command line to see if it really is a repository
  8. See installation instructions here if you do not have Docker installed yet
  9. Run the command to start the HTTP Server powered by Docker
     docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -it --name=php -v C:\webdev\html:/var/www/html quay.io/vesica/php73:dev
  10. Access your browser at http://localhost:8080. You should see a “Hello World!” page.
    • If you edit the C:\webdev\html\index.html with Notepad and refresh the http://localhost:8080 page, it should change!
  11. Commit and push your changes - Run git commit -a -m "My first commit!" in the command line that you should still have open
  12. Go to your GitHub repository on the GitHub website. You should see the new commit message.

Linux / Mac Instructions

  1. Go to GitHub and create your new Git repository for the practical work.
  2. Clone the repository into a folder.
  3. Now double-click the folder. It should be empty.
  4. Create a new folder inside the folder, called html. Download this file and place it inside the newly created html folder.
  5. Open a command line
  6. Type cd <folder> to go to the folder, which is now a git repository
  7. Run git status on the command line to see if it really is a repository
  8. See installation instructions here if you do not have Docker installed yet
  9. Run the command to start the HTTP Server powered by Docker
     docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -it --name=php -v $(pwd)/html/site:/var/www/html quay.io/vesica/php73:dev
  10. Access your browser at http://localhost:8080. You should see a “Hello World!” page.
    • If you edit the <folder>/html/index.html with GEdit or atom and refresh the http://localhost:8080 page, it should change!
  11. Commit and push your changes
    • Run git commit -a -m "My first commit!" in the command line that you should still have open
  12. Go to your GitHub repository on the GitHub website. You should see the new commit message.

Reporting questions or problems

Questions or problems with this guide? Please contact the professors via email or in class.