1. Contents
  2. Information
  3. Contact
  4. Acknowledgement


Week Dates Theory Class Practical Class
1 15-20 Sept. Course Presentation: Introduction to the web and databases
UML Class Diagrams: Classes and Associations

Slides: Presentation | UML Class Diagrams

Alternatives: UML Class Diagrams by André Restivo | Alt. UML Slides 1 Alt.UML Slides 2 by Carla Lopes
No practical class
2 23-27 Sept. Relational Model: Relations, tuples, attributes and constraints. Conversion from the UML model.
Slides: Relational Model | Conversion from UML to Relational by Carla Lopes
3 29 Sept-5 Oct. SQL: Table creation. Data types and constraints. SQLite.
Slides: SQL Definition
Relational Model
Exercises | Delivery Project Topics and Group Formation
4 6-12 Oct. SQL: Database queries. Selecting, filtering, set operations and joins.
Slides: SQL Query
Exercises on Schema Design using SQL | SQLite3 Guide | Solutions
5 13-19 Oct. SQL: Inserting, deleting and updating
Slides: SQL Manipulation
SQL Query writing exercises
6 20-26 Oct. HTML 5: Introduction, basic tags, tables, text formatting, common attributes and generic blocks. Forms, the semantic web, metadata and media tags.
Slides: HTML 5
SQL Query writing exercises
Exercises | Solutions
7 27 Oct.-2 Nov. No classes (FEUP Week)  
8 3-9 Nov. CSS 3: Introduction, basic selectors, properties. Positioning, specificity, inheritance.CSS 3
Slides: CSS 3
HTML Exercises | Delivery UML and Relational Model for the Project
9 10-16 Nov. PHP: Variables, loops, arrays and functions. Receiving values from HTML pages. Classes and objects. Database connections.
Slides: PHP

Examples: HTML & CSS | Listing
CSS Exercises | Solutions | Live Coding (News website exercise)
10 17-23 Nov. PHP: Code organization, forms, actions and register.

Examples: Organization & Register
Project Information
Accessing the Server | Working locally using Docker |
Other PHP Exercises
11 24-30 Nov. PHP: Error handling and file uploads
Examples: Login, Logout and Shopping Cart
Exercises | Other PHP Exercises | Set up Apache+PHP+SQlite3 (Windows 10 Linux Subsystem)
12 1-7 Dec. PHP Examples

Examples: Messages, Search and Pagination
Project | Other PHP Exercises
13 8-14 Dec. PHP Examples
Examples: Orders
Project | Other PHP Exercises | PHP FAQ’s / Common Mistakes
14 15-20 Dec. Q&A (preparation for the final exam) Delivery Project Presentation



Institutional e-mail: jrsilva@fe.up.pt

If you have any questions or doubts, you can find me on Fridays from 5pm to 6pm at the I123 Laboratory, Department of Informatics Engineering.

Student/Worker students are encouraged to visit and present the progress of their work and the practice exercises that they should do at home.


Prof. André Restivo is the original author of many of the materials made available at this website.