Bicycles SQL Solutions
- What riders belong to the team ‘Os Velozes’? (name)
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SELECT name FROM rider WHERE team = 'Os Velozes'
- What rider won the ‘Porto - Aveiro’ stage? (name)
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SELECT name FROM rider JOIN classification USING (ref) JOIN stage USING (num) WHERE description = 'Porto - Aveiro' AND position = 1
- What riders ciclistas raced the ‘Coimbra - Lisboa’ stage and what was their final position? Order the answer by their position. (name, position)
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SELECT name, position FROM rider JOIN classification USING (ref) JOIN stage USING (num) WHERE description = 'Coimbra - Lisboa' ORDER BY position
- How many riders are there in each team? (team, total)
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SELECT team, COUNT(*) FROM rider GROUP BY team
- What is the total sum of times of each rider? (name, total)
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SELECT name, SUM(time) FROM rider JOIN classification USING (ref) GROUP BY ref
- What team, or teams, has a smaller sum of its riders total times? (team)
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SELECT team, SUM(time) as total FROM rider JOIN classification USING (ref) GROUP BY team HAVING SUM(time) = ( select min(sum_time) from ( SELECT SUM(time) as sum_time FROM rider JOIN classification USING (ref) GROUP BY team ) );
- What is the average time in each stage? (description, average)
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SELECT description, AVG(time) FROM stage JOIN classification USING (num) GROUP BY num
- What stage, or stages, had the smaller average time? (description)
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SELECT description FROM stage JOIN classification USING (num) GROUP BY num HAVING AVG(time) = ( select min(avg_time) from ( SELECT AVG(time) as avg_time FROM stage JOIN classification USING (num) GROUP BY num ) );
- What was the time difference between the first and second rider in each stage? (description, difference)
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SELECT first.description, strftime('%s', second.time) - strftime('%s', first.time) as difference FROM (SELECT * FROM stage JOIN classification USING (num) WHERE position = 1) AS first JOIN (SELECT * FROM stage JOIN classification USING (num) WHERE position = 2) AS second USING (num);
- What stage had the biggest time difference between the first and second rider to finish it, what rider won that stage and with how much lead time. (description, name, difference).
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SELECT first.description,, strftime('%s', second.time) - strftime('%s', first.time) as difference FROM ( SELECT * FROM stage JOIN classification USING (num) join rider USING (ref) WHERE position = 1 ) AS first JOIN ( SELECT * FROM stage JOIN classification USING (num) WHERE position = 2 ) as second on first.num = second.num WHERE strftime('%s', second.time) - strftime('%s', first.time) = ( select max(difference) from ( SELECT strftime('%s', second.time) - strftime('%s', first.time) as difference FROM classification AS first JOIN classification AS second USING (num) WHERE first.position = 1 AND second.position = 2 ) );
(Credits: André Restivo