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"Docker Logo" [a container runtime for software deployments]

Concepts and Introduction

by João Rocha da Silva, based on 'Using Docker: Developing and Deploying Software with Containers' by Adrian Mouat and other sources.

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Virtual Machines

What are they?

  • A virtual machine is a software that simulates a physical computer's hardware and software components

Host vs. Guest

  • Several virtual machines can run in a single physical, or bare metal machine
    • Virtual machines are typically called "guests"
    • The physical machines where they run are called "hosts"
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Virtual machines vs. 'bare-metal' - Advantages

  • Portability and hardware-agnosticism
    • The same VM can run in computers with very different hardware and software configurations
    • The hypervisor provides an abstraction layer between the virtual and physical hardware configurations
  • Faster disaster recovery
    • Virtual machines can be backed up and restored simply by copying and pasting their virtual hard drives, which are simple files on the host's file system.
  • Isolation
    • Improved security for shared hardware machines-several users can have full administration privileges inside their own VMs, but without any access to the host
    • VMs make it easier to set up a multi-tenant environment, where resources are shared among the various VMs, which can even belong to different people.
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Virtual machines vs. 'bare-metal' - Disadvantages

  • High resource consumption
    • The physical machine needs to virtualise everything, including the operating system - RAM usage is the same as that of a 'bare-metal' machine. The host needs a lot of RAM to run several VMs at the same time.
    • Running many VMs on the same host can slow down even powerful servers, because the access to hard drive needs to be split among multiple concurrent and random accesses--- this is especially hard on mechanical hard drives, not so much on SSDs.
  • Lack of access to some low-level functions
    • If your application needs direct access to some low-level / hardware capabilities (such as 3D acceleration), those may be unavailable.
  • Backups need to include the entire virtual machine
    • Very large files, as the virtual machine "virtual hard drive" takes as much space as an entire hard drive of a 'bare-metal' machine (~hundreds of GB each!).
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The hypervisor

  • Software that powers the virtual machines
  • It provides virtual networking and storage layers (virtual network cards and virtual hard drives)
  • Controls how much % of CPU and RAM of the host is given to each of the guests

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Why Docker? (1/2)

  • Flexibility
    • Practically any application can be containerized
  • Lightweight
    • Containers share the host Kernel, without virtualizing an OS for every application, saving a LOT of resources when compared to using Virtual Machines
  • Portability
    • Ensures portability of execution environment on any machine
    • Application, pre-requisites and dependencies are packaged together
  • Scalability
    • From a single container on your laptop or thousands in the cloud, it is all the same technology
  • Loose coupling
    • Containers are highly self-sufficient and encapsulated, and can be updated individually without upsetting others
  • Security
    • Containers apply aggressive constraints and isolations to processes without any configuration required on the part of the user.

Source: "Orientation and setup", by Docker

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Why Docker? (2/2)

  • Elasticity for the cloud

    • In the cloud, computational resources should be purchased as needed
    • Too many users for too little computational power → poor system performance
    • Too many resources for too little users → waste of money
    • Docker makes it easier to scale applications up to meet peak loads, and then scale down during downtime
      • Spin up more or less containers (replicas of the application) across a datacenter, to respond to application loading
  • Separation of code from state

    • Separates code+infrastructure (application logic) configuration from Data (application state)
    • Backups only need to worry about the data, as code and infrastructure can be built on-the-fly
  • Native CPU scheduling

    • On Linux, containers are seen by the Kernel as independent processes, so they can be efficiently managed by the CPU scheduler
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VMs vs Containers (Cont'd)

Container Engine Architectural Diagram

Virtual Machines Architectural Diagram

  • Containers share the host's OS and kernel, and do not need to virtualize the Operating System → saving memory

Images from Using Docker: Developing and Deploying Software with Containers

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"Docker Architecture"

An overview of the Docker architecture (Image by Docker - Source)

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"Docker Images" Docker Images (Based on an image by Docker - Source)

  • Read-only templates with instructions for creating a Docker container
  • Images are built using Dockerfiles, written as a sequence of steps to go from the base image to your final image. Every step in a Dockerfile creates a new layer.
  • You can pull them from an image registry, i.e. Docker Hub, or build and push your own to Docker hub to publish your work.
  • Often based on other images. e.g. : you can start with from a ubuntu image (base image) and install additional libraries, resulting in a new image.
    • Steps to go from one image to another are called layers, because an image is like an onion: made up of several successive sets of changes.
    • When images are rebuilt, only the modified layers are remade, and the base image recovered from cache. This makes image building much more efficient than building a VM using, say, Vagrant.
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"Docker Containers"

Docker containers (Based on an image by Docker - Source)

  • Containers are a runnable instance of an image.
    • Instance because you can start multiple containers from the same image---like baking cookies from the same mold!
  • You can start, stop, move, or delete containers using the docker command.
  • Connectors can be connected to one or more networks → separate them for security via isolation, or connect them so they work together
  • Attach storage to the container via volumes → like plugging in an external hard drive to keep changed files after the container is shut down.
  • You can save a new image from the current state of a container.

If you start a container from an image and anything is modified inside the former, all changes be lost when you stop and rm (remove) it.

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Volumes (1/4) - What are they?

"Docker Volumes"

Docker volumes (Image by Docker - Source)

  • Without volumes, containers contain both application code and state (no separation)
    • When the container is deleted, so are any changes made since its instantiation from its base image
  • A volume acts a like a mount point for a container
    • It "injects" a link to a folder from the host machine into the container's file structure
    • That becomes a shared folder between host and container
    • You can also use tmpfs in Linux to create a memory-based volume for using RAM as a virtual file structure
      • Fast!! But volatile too, good for caching files, for example
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Volumes (2/4) - Advantages and Disadvantages

"Docker Volumes"

Docker volumes (Image by Docker - Source)

  • Sharing data across different containers and machines
    • Good for fault-tolerant applications---if one containerized "clone" of your application crashes, another can over transparently, because they share the same data, or state
  • Access control
    • Volumes are bidirectional be default: changes made by the host to files inside the volume folder are also propagated inside the corresponding folder in the container (and vice-versa)
    • readonly volumes will allow the container to read files in the volume, but not change them
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Volumes (3/4) - Advantages and Disadvantages Part 2

  • Very useful for backups

    • You link only the folders within the container that have your application state (say, the folders where you have database files, uploaded images, and any other)
    • Ignore the rest of the operating system in each container, because all dependencies are handled by the image---great space savings
    • To backup, instead of making an image of the entire container, you just copy the volume folders in the host
    • To go back in time, just replace the volume folders' content with your backup and start a new container with those volumes mounted.
  • Slow I/O on non-Linux Operating Systems

    • Read and write to/from volume folders can be quote slow on non-Linux operating systems. Watch out if you need intensive I/O in your app.
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Volumes (4/4) - Initialization of containerized applications from "Stuff I learned the hard way, page 3519"

Volumes are mounted when a container is booted, replacing the contents of the folder in the container with the contents of the volume folder from the host

  1. If you need to initialize your app automatically on first startup (e.g. create default admin users), you cannot do it during image creation, but instead use a startup script inside the container.
    • This is because our application state (e.g. some database files) is saved in a folder somewhere in the container. If you initialize those files during the image building process, apparently everything works well without volumes.
  2. When that folder is later mounted as a volume, its contents will be replaced with the contents of the host's folder that is mounted
    • Down the 🚽 goes your initialization, as the mounted volume's folder is most likely empty when it is mounted by the host in the container on first startup!
  3. Possible generic solution: Create a dummy file in your data folder after a successful initialization. Let your initialization code check if the file is present. If it is not, then you need to re-initialize. Changes will be propagated to the volume's folder on the host, so this should only happen on first bootup.
    • Alternatively, some web frameworks also provide support for database migration and seeding, that you can run on application startup.
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  • Docker containers can live on the same network as other VMs, bare-metal machines, or containers
    • All types of machines can communicate transparently
  • 5 networking modes: bridge, host, overlay, macvlan and none
    • none will disable networking completely-no communication
  • We will cover the two most common ones, bridge and host.

Source: https://docs.docker.com/network/

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Networking (bridge mode)

"Docker Networking - Bridge Mode"

Docker Networking (Bridge mode)

  • Containers running on Bob host can find other containers also running on Bob by name (running ping solr on my-app container will return the IP of my-app, as given by the Docker DHCP server).
  • Alice cannot find a container by name (ping solr on Alice's machine will return Host Not Found).
  • Containers can find Alice by name (ping alice will return alice's IP, as given by Internet Gateway) and access the Internet.
  • Containers running in the Bob host cannot find any containers running on Alice
  • Multiple bridge networks can be created, and containers can will communicate within the same bridge network (for separation).
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Networking (host mode)

"Docker Networking - Host Mode"

Docker Networking (Host mode)

  • Only available on Linux
  • Containers on Bob host can access the host network directly.
  • No name resolution among containers
    • my-app running on Bob will not get any response if it runs ping mysql
    • DNS entries (such as bob.lan <ip>) must be added at the physical network host resolution level
  • Containers can bind their open ports to ports on the host.
    • Alice can access a container on Bob via Bob's IP + port of the container they want
    • Only one program (and thus, only one container) can be listening on a port of each host. Beware of conflicts!
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  • Dockerfiles are files containing the sequence of steps required to build an image.
  • They are typically named Dockerfile without any extension.
# Start with a base image of Ubuntu 18.04, then:
FROM ubuntu:18.04
# Copy current folder on the host to /app on the container
COPY . /app
# run `make` (compilation, etc) on /app to build the app on the container
RUN make /app
# Set default command when container boots up (runs installed app)
CMD python /app/app.py

To build an image from a Dockerfile in the current directory, you run:

docker build .
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  • Installation guide for Docker and how to use a container for local PHP development available here.

Remember to turn on Virtualization Support (or VT-x) on your BIOS/ UEFI (press Delete/F2 before Windows Starts) in order to run virtualization apps like Docker or a VM Hypervisor. See more here.

"Virtualization Off - Docker Error"

Oops, I forgot to turn on Virtualization!

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Example Container (Apache Web Server + PHP)

  • The command that you use to start your server, now explained:
docker run \ #
\ # run is the command for running a container
-d \ #
\ # run in detached mode (without this,
\ # the container will stop when you close the
\ # command line, instead of running in
\ # the background and on system startup)
-p 8080:8080 \ #
\ # bind port 8080 of the container,
\ # which is running the Apache+PHP server,
\ # to the port 8080 of the host. This is
\ # what allows you to type localhost:8080
\ # on the browser and have the container respond
-it \ #
\ # allocate a tty for the container process
--name=php \ #
\ # name of the container to create
-v $(pwd)/html:/var/www/html \ #
\ # create a volume to map
\ # [current folder]/html on the
\ # host to /var/www/html (default Apache
\ # htdocs location) on the container
quay.io/vesica/php73:dev #
# name of the image to base
# the container on (has Apache and PHP
# pre-installed)
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